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part 5

We always review, update, and improve our training programs. we plan to
  • Open more teaching methodology majors at MA and PhD levels. Develop new application-oriented master’s training programs in parallel with current research-oriented programs.
  • Undergraduate training: Open at least 5 English-taught programs or bilingual programs and at least 4 international joint programs.
  • Accredite programs.  By 2025, all undergraduate level programs will be accredited. Self-assessing process of all postgraduate level programs will be finished, and proceed to register for accreditation.  

HCMUE always focuses on the enhancement of the human resource’s quality. In 5 years from 2021 to 2025, the University aims to:

  • Strengthen the fostering for new lecturers and apprentice,
    • All the new lecturers and apprentice participate in professional training courses.
  • Enhance professional competencies,
    • 3 programs to improve teaching methods.
    • 5 projects of professional learning communities and development.
    • 6 training programs develop lecturer’s professional competencies.
    • 15-20 officials studying programs in English.
    • 6 training courses on special needs or seminars on education.
    Enhance lecturers’ competency of foreign languages,
    • 60% of young officials (under 35), 40% of officials over 35 years improved their foreign language proficiency.
    Support lecturers in practicing pedagogical skills, teaching methods,
    • 03 training courses on interactive teaching methodology, e-learning with the participation of domestic and international experts.
    Reform the policies of evaluating the lecturers,
    • 01 new evaluation toolkit.
    • 30% of the lecturers are evaluated by using new teacher standards.

HCMUE also prioritizes the value of training, research and international collaboration. Therefore, we aim to:

  • Develop a software for management and digitization, developing scientific database,
  • Develop policies to support staff, lecturers and students to have:
    • 2 research projects on educational planning model and 04 projects / research projects on education.
    • 100 national and international publications in 2 years.
  • Apply the research results in teaching and learning activities to have:
    • Evidences on proving that scientific research results have been applied in teaching and learning activities.
    • 1-2 experimental models carried out at high schools.
    Develop a quality assurance system to supervise and evaluate research activities to have:
    • A mechanism, processes for supervision and evaluation of scientific works.
  • Enhance the quality of the Scientific Journal to have:
    • An upgraded management system.
    • 3 volumes and 3 books published in English on applied education science and other sciences.
    • 2 volumes published in English, with ACI & SCOPUS index.
    Collaborate and cooperate with other universities and stakeholders organize:
    • 10 co-organized conferences and 10 workshops on a wide variety of topics.
Open more teaching methodology majors at MA and PhD levels.

Accredit programs. By 2025, all undergraduate level programs will have been accredited. Self-assessing process of all postgraduate level programs will have finished, and proceed to register for accreditation.
May 26, 2021

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